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[BO1]∎ [PDF] Free KnockOutPain Secrets to Maintain a Healthy Back edition by Winifred Bragg Professional Technical eBooks

KnockOutPain Secrets to Maintain a Healthy Back edition by Winifred Bragg Professional Technical eBooks

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Download PDF KnockOutPain Secrets to Maintain a Healthy Back  edition by Winifred Bragg Professional  Technical eBooks

80% OF US WILL HAVE BACK PAIN AT SOME POINT IN OUR LIFE BY AGE 55. Back pain often comes at inopportune times. It destroys vacations, work, outings, holidays and special occasions.
Dr. Winifred Bragg has treated thousands of patients with back pain over the past 20 years. She has written this book to educate people about the symptoms and causes of low back pain and to offer her proven strategies for pain relief.
This helpful illustrated guide explains the basics of how to care for your spine(back). You will learn the answers to these questions
* What are the O's of LIFE® which contribute to back pain?
* Why go to physical therapy?
* Which exercises can you do at work to reduce your back pain?
* When is surgery necessary?
By following these recommendations, you can increase the likelihood of maintaining a healthy back. After all, the best cure for back pain is to prevent it.

KnockOutPain Secrets to Maintain a Healthy Back edition by Winifred Bragg Professional Technical eBooks

My wife purchased this book for me because I am constantly in my car for work and have occasional back pain. It was an easy, quick, and enjoyable read and really helped shed light on the causes and solutions of some of my back pain. I really liked the chapters on five secrets to reducing back pain while at work, the twelve common tips to prevent back pain, and the common exercises to relieve back pain. These tips helped relieve some of the stress I was putting on my back almost immediately. I highly recommend Dr. Bragg's book to anyone who even has the slightest pain. Excellent advice and enjoyable to read. Thanks again Dr. Bragg!

Joe M.

Product details

  • File Size 4238 KB
  • Print Length 186 pages
  • Publisher First Class Publishing (December 20, 2015)
  • Publication Date December 20, 2015
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read KnockOutPain Secrets to Maintain a Healthy Back  edition by Winifred Bragg Professional  Technical eBooks

Tags : Buy KnockOutPain Secrets to Maintain a Healthy Back: Read 39 Kindle Store Reviews -,ebook,Winifred Bragg,KnockOutPain Secrets to Maintain a Healthy Back,First Class Publishing,MEDICAL Pain Medicine
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KnockOutPain Secrets to Maintain a Healthy Back edition by Winifred Bragg Professional Technical eBooks Reviews

Very useful information to maintain a healthy back.

Luckily I have not experienced back problems aside from the occasional acute strain or sprain. The information I learned reading this book will be useful when pain arises. It has prompted me to become more aware of my daily activities and use of my back to prevent injury.

I am in my mid 40's I want to ensure that I maintain a healthy back as I get older. I intend to use the suggestions from Dr. Bragg to strengthen and prevent back pain.

Great and easy to read book that I will pass on to family members that do experience back pain. I am sure they too will find some helpful information.

Thank you Dr. Bragg.
As someone who suffers from sciatica pain (at least I think that's what it is) I found this book extremely helpful. I've heard horrors stories from people who have had surgeries without success and do not want to get involved with prescription medicine and pain killers; so I found the methods in this book helpful and don't feel the need to get surgery or medication.

A quick and easy read with very helpful information.

- Brian
As a nurse who has been experiencing back pain for a number of years due to a combination of a fender bender, an auto immune connective tissue disease, and lifting/turning too many patients, I can say that this book has been very helpful. It's an easy read, very informative, and I have recommended it to many of my co-workers. I only wish I read this years ago. I thought as a medical professional, there wouldn't be much new information in this book so was hesitant to purchase it. Well I was wrong. There is a reason that Dr. Bragg is a back pain specialist...and well...I'm not. lol
Love this book, Awesome Doctor and a great book.
After suffering with back problems for years, this has made more difference than any of the drugs , surgery, etc.
My business is a manual physical labor type of environment, leading me to place myself in situations that will require me to lift, carry and move things all day. I am constantly on ladders and bending, stooping and reaching to get the jobs done. I am not getting any younger that's for sure! Knock Out Pain is an informative easy to understand well written practical guide to protecting your back and daily well being. Dr. Bragg gives out simple easy to do and understand advice on how you can prevent damage and pain while pointing out what may need to be done if you are a bit behind the curve of prevention and into the category of treating the issues you have. Nice to know small simple adjustments we can all make in our lives can have an advantageous affect. Thanks for an informative read Dr. Bragg.
Great book! I hurt my back about 20 years ago . I have had two operations, several tries at physical therapy, acupuncture, spinal injections,and numerous pain medications. All this has resulted in mixed results.Sometimes, it is so depressing that I just don't know what to do next to make it to the next day. When I got this book ,I never expected that it would make a difference in my life. It is an excellent source of information on back pain and back maintenance.There are several illustrations on performing common activities that have actually made a difference in the way I feel after performing them. For example, there is an illustration on the way to stand when washing the dishes that actually makes it pleasant to do and pain free .That illustration to me was worth more than the cost of the book. If your back is hurting, you will understand what I mean.Thank you, thank you, Dr. Bragg for providing us with a wonderful book and excellent resource. It was a joy to read.
My wife purchased this book for me because I am constantly in my car for work and have occasional back pain. It was an easy, quick, and enjoyable read and really helped shed light on the causes and solutions of some of my back pain. I really liked the chapters on five secrets to reducing back pain while at work, the twelve common tips to prevent back pain, and the common exercises to relieve back pain. These tips helped relieve some of the stress I was putting on my back almost immediately. I highly recommend Dr. Bragg's book to anyone who even has the slightest pain. Excellent advice and enjoyable to read. Thanks again Dr. Bragg!

Joe M.
Ebook PDF KnockOutPain Secrets to Maintain a Healthy Back  edition by Winifred Bragg Professional  Technical eBooks

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